Friday, January 7, 2011

.The Fall and the Rise

.The Fall and the Rise
Coming in and out of ordeals has been a regular affair for me now. Everything in life looks beautiful, musical and pleasant and all of a sudden with a blink of eye things comes crashing down like a pyramid of playing cards. I gather courage and start building the pyramid again. . It reminds me of Phoenix – a mythical bird which burns down and then rises from its own ashes with valiance and galore. When I look back in time I see my life full of adverse incidences which almost shattered me. But alongside it planted a sapling of courage and vigor to fight back and rise from my ashes.
What motivated me in such times? At this point time it turned out to be the right question. Past few years I fought through emotional setbacks, academic failures, heart breaks, and professional failures, myriad of health issues. Every time I had to look deeper for strength and will to keep going. Well after all God is no stranger to me nor at this point am I stranger to him.
“That which does not kill you makes you stronger “, I found it very true and guess this answered my question partially. We are not defined by what happens to us but by what we do when things happen to us and the recent past had a lot of incidences reminding me these lines. Some think they have had more “share” of bad things than other. But I observed that everyone has an equal share of bad and good in their lives. These are merely events that occur as a result of confluence of factors, sometimes beyond our reach, knowledge or control. These events are sometimes unintended consequences – triggered by an act resulting beyond our expectations sometimes turning positive, sometimes not.
Tonight at 3 AM  I pondered around one of the many questions engulfing my thought. “Why me again at the receiving end “and sought an answer. I realized that as always I’ve been tested on some or the other front, probably because I’m the master of my Fate, that these adversities set before me are not above my strength, that its pangs and toils are not beyond my endurance and as long as I’ve faith in my cause and an undeterred will, I won’t be denied anything. So whatever God has put me into, I would refuse to be defeated. I won’t let life or events tear me down to the point at which I am no longer me or simply being. It’s time to rekindle the spark within. It’s time to realize and learn that everything happens for a reason, every event has purpose and every setback its lessons. I realize that failure whether of personal, emotional or even professional fronts is essential to personal expansion. It brings inner growth and whole hosts of rewards. Life is all about decisions. One’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes and I am certain that the choices and decisions I have made are the right one. I also realize that this time  it would take me longer than ever to come back to life and face the shining sun but time here is immaterial as the start is what is needed now.  So I should stop spending so much time chasing big pleasures of life and should began enjoying the little ones  , like watching squirrel eat or glaring the stars twinkling in the moonlit sky or enjoy the raindrops falling on to my face.
                                                                    "Never Fall in Love …. Rise in it “

1 comment:

  1. What I am supposed to say?... to comment on your writing & expressing ability or the qualitative content of your blog or say life... I know and I think I am no different to you... even you know because even my life is absolutely open to you...

    "Life is all about decisions." ... absolutely right ...there is always Good and better decisions. Our life will be good if we make a better decision but the ability to decide that whether that decision is good or better... sets us apart...

    Time matter... isn't?

    For time being.. I can't say... where I am ... but i expect that i must be visible to you.... looking at me... from upward sloping side of a mountain... keep moving upward....

    It's not a negative thought but i wish you always remain on a side... looking at pinnacle of your goal... ( if you will reach at the pinnacle that is at the highest point... nature will force you to take a downward walk... that why i said to remain on a side)...
